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Why a Blog???

As if the internet isn’t already inundated with useless ramblings of self-absorbed people who detail their every waking thought into a readable, online form, I introduce my blog.

The main question that any unfortunate reader (or I myself) am probably asking is “Why?” (More specifically “Oh God, in the name of all that is good, “Whyyyyyyyy?!?!”)

I’ll be the first to admit, some people need to wake up and realize that their interior thoughts DON’T in fact EVER need to be shared. I’ll also admit that I am and have always been a dreamer, so waking up is not one of my most prolific features.

More important than that though, my reason for making this blog is not for others’ benefit, but for my own. I saw a quote by my friend Ruth Diaz which said (my memory keeps me from getting it exact) “The reason I write is not so that others may read it, but so at the end of the day I am not alone in my head.” I’m not sure if she constructed this quote or found it. I’ll need to ask her. Ultimately though, therein lies my reason for creating this blog.

Also, I’m dismayed at many people’s use of the Nicotine of the internet, AKA Facebook. Many times, it creates a podium for lambasting, whether it be about politics, religion, or the trivialities (or drama) of the writer himself. And I am very guilty of this and I am ashamed. If social networking is becoming an indelible feature in our lives, shouldn’t the society we are building be a more enjoyable place? Is it a coincidence that those three topics are ideas seldom discussed with strangers until one knows them more intimately? If I kept any readers, do they like rhetorical questions?

Ah well, Facebook is becoming something I do not like. But that is a topic for another entry and, all in all, probably not that important.

On my first entry, I’ll close with a short introduction of me. Maybe some of these topics will be expounded upon in later entries. 

-I am 26 years old.
-I am a Cajun, born and raised in south-central Louisiana.
-I am a cradle-Catholic, taught about the Roman Catholic Church since I was born, but left that faith for a while and explored other options. This awesome coming-of-age journey led me back to the Roman Catholic Church, instilling in me deep respect for it but also sincere and honest admiration for other religions.
-I had to succumb to the use of a wheelchair full-time at 19 because at 12, I was diagnosed with Friedreich’s Ataxia, a genetic progressive nerve disorder.
-I graduated from ULL in 2008 with a bachelor’s in English, and from LSU in 2010 with a master’s in community counseling.
-My name is Matt.

Thanks for reading this much. See? verboseguy is an accurate name.